Tuesday, April 20, 2010

All The Light!!!

My life is over, I've died and gone to hell. A hell filled with bright light and boxes. I must be on my 2nd life now, or is it my third? Nothing makes sense any more!

Four days ago I was unceremoniously snatched up and forced, against my will into the small downstairs bathroom. I escaped with my life, but just barely, only to find that the world was turned upside down. People were all over the place carrying things out of my domain. I tried to run, but Evan caught me and threw me into the upstairs bathroom, which I am sad to say, has a door that latches fully...

Sudha came in a little while later and tossed me into the infernal cat carrier, and then dragged me, clawing and meowing, into the light. I have never been so afraid for my cat self before. They took me in the scary car thing and then locked me in a another room. The noise from outside was deafening, I could here such large things moving back and forth from the other side of the door.

Eventually the noise stopped, and the door opened... and Evan was there. He stepped out of the way and let me through the door. The world that lay through that door was enormous and frightening. I have never seen anything so large and so light.

Since that day I have been carefully exploring every inch of this new place, jumping at every little noise. I dash from cover to cover. The bed I used to hide under is still here, and there's the big green couch I can climb into.

I will update you all again soon with my progress in dealing with this strange place. I need to hide under the bed again for a while!

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