Friday, October 7, 2011

Feline Summer

We are in the midst of what is referred to as an "Indian Summer," my furry brothers and sisters. I'm not really sure why it's called that. It has something to do with snow melting and American Indian raiding parties attacking white people. Although it's really beyond me why anyone would hunt or raid in a party. As we superior beings have demonstrated, hunting alone is clearly better. How could you possibly sneak up and pounce on anything if there is whole group of you?

Anyway, what the phrase actually refers to is a period of summer-like weather during the Autumn. The past few days have been very lovely and warm, with high temperatures in the upper 80s! But there are still plenty of fallen leaves blowing around for me to stare at longingly through the window.

I think the warm weather is bringing other unwanted visitors to the house. I have come to the realization that I am not the only cat in the neighborhood. I mean, I thought this may be the case when I heard my humans talking about other cats, but this year several of these "others" have come up to the back door of my house. They stand on the deck and look in the window at me. There is one black and white cat named tuxedo who comes by occasionally. There is one calico, who's name I don't know, who has been stopping by. I try to scream insults at them, but they don't seem to hear them. I don't think it's doing much for my reputation around the neighborhood.

Speaking of my reputation, I think Evan and Sudha's human friends don't like me very much. So I've been slowly trying to work on that. It has now been at least six times in a row where visitors have come to my house and I have refrained from hissing at them. Now letting them pet me, that's a whole different story. There are only a few people who I trust enough to pet me. Strangely, each of them has fed me at some point or another. I wonder if there's any pattern to this?

I have been spending more nights on the bed with my humans lately. Now that it's not brutally hot all the time, it's  nice to hog a good chunk of the bed with my tiny body. I think they still like it though, as long as I don't swipe at their feet.

Until next time my furry brothers and sisters!

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